David Jorgenson, Educator Extraordinaire

Vikki Osborn, WHS Editor

Mr. Dave Jorgenson, a treasured teacher at Williston High School, retired last week. Jorgy taught Math at WHS since 2000. His wife, Susan, shared the following: “He regrets that he has to stop.  He really loved his job, co-workers and students.” 

Jorgy’s Interview:

What do you like to dress up as during Christmas time?

The Grinch. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Christmas but do not like what it has become!!

What led you to leave the construction field and become an educator?

 I graduated from college in 1995 and could not get a full-time teaching job, so a buddy asked me to work with him till there was a full-time math position open and that was in 2000, thanks to Mrs. Neether.                     

Why did you go into teaching?

After working in the oilfield I was looking at a second back surgery so went back to college to do generals and Wanda Myer suggested math after failing biology. But I also had to prove one of my high school teachers wrong. He said, “You will never learn algebra.” So they put me in general math to graduate.

To all the students: Never accept that you can not do something because you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it or prove somebody wrong.

Share one of your most laughable moments in teaching.

Coming up behind students or staff and just standing there till they turn around and see how big their eyes got or the look on their faces even if I did not know them😊😊😊

Share one of your student stories that you found rewarding.

Too many to recall but I love it when students come back and say, ” You were right; I do use math daily.” I have had students that have come back and said: “Thank you for being a friend” and telling me, “You taught more than math, you also taught life!!

What will you miss the most?

I will miss most students and staff, even if they did not have a sense of humor. Most of all I will miss the math department and making fun of my wife in class.

How would you describe your overall years of teaching?

To those of you just starting out in the teaching profession: it does get easier after a couple of years. I almost did not come back after the first year but I would not trade teaching for anything; you have good days and bad, but lots more good. 

WHS Yearbook 2000

The following comments reflect Mr. Jorgenson’s lasting impact at our school:

Mr. Jason Germundson, Principal: “Dave Jorgenson was here when I came back to WHS 16 years ago. At first, he may seem a little rough around the edges. But once you get to know him, you see that his rough exterior is covering a warm heart of gold for students. I can’t tell you how many times when I was the Assistant Principal that Dave would be helping students with their work during his prep hour and after school. He would also have a room full of students in the morning before school. I have heard him tell students over and over again, “Stop by my classroom and I will help you.”  He has made a difference at Williston High School and he will surely be missed by both students and staff.”

Mr. Joe Meisel, Spanish Teacher: “I hope people remember when he would dress as the Grinch the day before Xmas break, along with his dog. He did that for a few years.  I wished I had had my camera but didn’t get photos. Maybe he would make a cameo appearance!  Another [memory] is when he would send a student back from his class, the note would always read from Norway to Spain (his classroom to mine).

Mrs. Haley Jeannotte, Counselor: A highlight for me was at Christmas. Jorgy would dress up in his Grinch costume and bring his dog to play as Max. It was so fun and kids and staff all enjoyed his antics! Such a fun-loving guy who loves to make people laugh!


Student Shares:

Having him first period was the best way to start my day; he’s the best. I’ll miss him a bunch.

Jorgey was one of my favorite teachers. He was goofy as can be, but always helped when I needed it. He refused to let me fail and pushed me to try harder on every assignment. He’s the only reason I made it through geometry. Thank you Jorgey, for being the best geometry teacher ever.

He is one of the nicest people. I personally never had him but I know so many people love and appreciate him. He has always been apart of the Coyote family. We will miss him greatly❤

He is a good teacher and really funny.

He is a good teacher and he is very helpful with kids. I also hear he is funny and one of the best teachers.

He’s a very thoughtful, kind, respectful teacher and he actually knows him context and he has a lot of respect; he has been here for a long time!

You are a cool, mister!

I was never in Jorgey’s class, but he seemed like a funny, great, caring person.

Goodbye! Sad to see you go, although I never had you as a teacher I still respect you and wish you a happy time.

I didn’t know Mr.Jorgenson very well but he was a good teacher. I only had him for a little while, and everyone likes him.

Mr. Jorgenson is such a caring man. He will be missed.

I never had his class but he was very kind in the halls. My siblings loved him very much and are sad to see him go.

He has always been a good teacher and he helps people out even if he doesn’t have them in class. He always brightens peoples days without trying.

He is a great teacher and a good man.

Thanks for being such a great teacher, you crazy old man.

Well I’ve never had you for a teacher, but the first day I meat you tbh I was scared until you actually said something; you are one of the sweetest guys ik today. God has a bright future for you, sir. Thank you so much for your time. There’ll never be another you. Till then we will suck it up, live life like there is no tomorrow.

You are the best, craziest old man I’ve ever met. Thank you for teaching at Williston High.

He is a great teacher, hard working, and overall a strong guy. Seeing him reminded me of my great grandpa, always on the go and walking around. always giving good advice.

He is a really good teacher and was very kind, helping teacher.

Jorgey, you’re really cool man; best wishes to you, buddy.

Jorgy, first of all, thanks for helping me pass your class! You may be one of the toughest teachers here at WHS but you sure make a huge impact on every student you teach. Taking your class taught me I need to study and try if I really want to pass. You are definitely a one of a kind teacher/person that I will remember forever!

He is a good teacher and he is funny and nice.

He was a really good math teacher.

Hey Jorgey, you are an amazing teacher and I am going to miss you so much. I want to thank you for teaching me and helping me pass on to the next math. I really hope you can see me walk done the stage and receive my diploma. I hope you enjoy this rest of your life. You will be missed!

Thank you for dealing with my obnoxious personality and helping me succeed in your class. I wish you the best of luck in your future! Stay strong!! -Whitney Pflug

I will always remember my Freshman year with Jorgey, sitting in the back of the class with Wesley getting our work done early, eating, and spitting spitballs at people and the walls.

I know I was not the best of your students but you have been an amazing teacher since I started going here. -Jordan J.

Jorgey is an amazing teacher even though I’ve only known him a few months he’s the best teacher I ever had; he makes learning fun and enjoyable.

Being new to this school out of all my teachers you were my favorite teacher. I enjoyed every day entering to your class! Get well soon!

Thanks for everything you’ve done!

Thanks for being an amazing teacher.

Jorgey was always a teacher who brightened people’s day, whether it was through smiles and waves or goofball antics.

Jorgey was one of the best teachers at this school. He always knew how to make people feel better with, even if he didn’t try. Jorgey will be missed, especially by some more than others. He’ll never be forgotten.

I have only seen him around. I have never had him in class. However, anytime he has come into a class of mine or greeted me in the hall, he tries his best to make anyone smile. I see the pride within. He is so funny, as well.

I’ve never had him as a teacher, but I’ve heard some great things about him.

He makes learning fun and he’s great personality.

He was one of the best teachers in this school; he always put a smile on my face every time I saw him in the hallway. I´m really going to miss him. I will continue to keep him in my prayers. Love you, Mr. Jorgey.

He’s an awesome teacher and I love to be in his class. He makes learning fun.

Dear Mr. Jorgenson, You were always a very fair teacher and always gave people a second chance. You’ve never given up on a student and I admire that about you. You will always be one of my top favorite teachers at this school and I’ll remember you forever! Thank you for everything you’ve done for not only me but the entire Williston community and the nation. I wish you the best! Farewell, Jorgey.

He was the best.

Thank you, Jorgey, for all your contributions to WHS staff and students!

We wish you the very best!