Saving the Trees

Saving the Trees

Andrew Malone, WHS Reporter

Do you notice the guys that come into classes to get the recycling paper during 6th?  I would like to thank Colin Kok and Connor Remus for saving our environment by taking the papers from classrooms and placing them in the recycle bin. Colin and Connor are both doing recycling for National Honor Society volunteer hours.

For Connor, it’s his first full year of being in NHS and his first time doing the recycling process. Connor has been doing the recycling since November, saying, “ It’s hilarious how Colin and I both consistently fight on whose rooms we will do.”

Colin started helping recycle 4 to 5 weeks ago.   He joined NHS two years ago. That’s impressive! One of Colin’s funniest memories to share: “When Connor and I are done running up the stairs Connor wheezes for air which makes me laugh.  Also there’s a squeaky cart and when we get it I push hard on it to make it louder because it makes Connor angry.”

Here is a Coyote Shoutout to Colin and Connor for helping out our school. Thank you.