Breaking News: North Dakota Doesn’t Exist!


Sage Fessenden, WHS Reporter

Believe it or not, there’s a conspiracy that us North Dakotans don’t exist! Crazy, right? The conspiracy that North Dakota doesn’t exist began when people started to realize that they’ve never met a single person from North Dakota. There is another theory that if North Dakota does indeed exist, there is not a single human being living here and that the whole state is a top-secret military base (Feneberger).

There are many, many strange and wacky articles on this including one from Joanna Volavka from her blog, Joanna Unplugged, where she states, “North Dakota is not a real state. It’s a government conspiracy, and exists to house military bases in order to protect us from Canada. Canada is secretly a huge threat; the friendly nature of Canadians is just a front.”


Feneberger, Miranda. “7 Consdipracy Theories Maybe/Definitely Real.” 9 Aug. 2017. Hello Retrieved from

Volavka, Joanna. “The North Dakota Conspiracy.”  15 Jul. 2011. Retrieved from