Feeling Stressed Out??


Elizabeth Leko, WHS Reporter

Do you ever just wish there was a way to release your anxiety or stress? Or maybe you
do, but in an unhealthy way such as eating, gaming, or even worse – You just ignore it. I myself
suffer from anxiety, but I’ve found a way/technique to release the tension: yoga!

The feeling of stress and anxiety can take a mental and physical toll on your body such as feelings
of frustration, nervousness, and worry that can lead to high blood pressure and other health
problems. The calmness, relaxation, and fluid movements of yoga have consistently shown to reduce stress and anxiety in a number of studies (The 8 Mental Benefits You Can Get From Yoga).

Yoga is known to help participants physical health. From my experience so far I have
seen a difference in my flexibility and balance. I like to practice every night before settling down
for bed which has helped me create a solid nighttime routine. There were balance poses I was
unable to do at first but now can with confidence. Yoga is also known for toning the stomach
and helping with weight reduction.

Meditation is another thing that connects with yoga and is a good way of bettering overall health.
Meditation also helps with physical health as well but is more of a mental or emotional stress reliever. It has been a way for me to clear my mind and really relax overall. I find it is a way for me to connect with myself and the things around me, to be able to really understand my mind and my feelings. I like to do it after I finish a yoga session because it helps my heart rate to slow back down as well as cool me off not only physically, but mentally as well. I highly recommend it to someone who struggles with falling asleep because it definitely relaxes your muscles and mind and gives you more of tired sensation.

I use yoga and meditation to help me with any conflict I might be experiencing, whether it’s friends, family, or little things like work that needs to be done, etc. The combination of yoga and meditation is a good way to handle the stress and to help you think clearer to solve what you’re going through.