Costa Rica 2019
October 24, 2018
For the 4th time in 10 years, Williston High School, along with other schools, will be traveling to Costa Rica!
The trip originally started 25 years ago; however, it faded away due to lack of interests. The previous program is similar to the German exchange student program WHS has today. Then, 10 years ago, a company called Xperitas contributed to the resurgence of the project.
The trip consists of 2 weeks of intriguing, educational adventures around Costa Rica. This trip is an awesome opportunity for students to travel and learn the culture of another country. Volcano hiking, jungle and cloud forest exploring, tasting new foods, and zip lining are some of the many things they get to experience.
Going on an adventure like this is a great chance for students to get out of their comfort zone. The main purpose of this trip is for them to acquire a better understanding of the Spanish language. They get to spend a week with a Costa Rican family in their home, which allows them the chance to utilize what they’ve learned in their Spanish class and interact with the people.
When asked to summarize the Costa Rica trip experience, Mr. Joseph Meisel, who had been to 3 trips in the past 10 years, replied with, “It’s life changing, it kind of sets kids in a different direction of what they thought by exploring . . . Seeing how things are different yet how things are the same too, people are the same, human beings are the same. As different as we are, we are a lot alike and people realize that . . .”
The deadline to apply for the Costa Rica trip has been extended to October 31. Any concerns or questions can be addressed to [email protected]. Make sure you apply before the deadline so you can be part of this incredible experience!