With this story, I interviewed Massa Kpan(9th) and Brooklyn Crouch(10th) on their opinions on certain topics with school lunches. The outcome was very different.
I asked both girls if they liked school lunches, to begin with. “Yes I do think some school lunches are good, I am munching” (Massa), “No I don’t think school lunches are that good, I don’t like the taste of most” (Brooklyn)).
Another reason was if freshmen and sophomores should be able to leave campus for lunch these were the responses. “I don’t see why should freshman leave they just got there and have to work to get their certain privileges like the sophomores, juniors, and seniors”(Brooklyn), “ Yes because why should we wait longer just because we are younger and we could make a good system”(Massa).
Even though both girls disagreed about most, they both agreed that we should get different lunch options. “ Yes because it is just the same items but in a different order every week”(Massa), “ I think we should get new lunch options because it gets boring after a while”(Brooklyn).
In the last part of the interview, I questioned what is something they would change about lunches if they could.“ I wish we would rather choose which lunchtime we have with people we know more than new people“(Brooklyn), “Something I would change would be the pricing on certain things”(Massa). Hopefully, this would help to change some things about the lunches.