Marvelous Masks: 5 Styles

More stories from Kyla Nelsen


As we all know, Williston High School is in code yellow, which makes masks required to wear in school. Here are the 5 most popular masks for 2020.


Bandana is a great substitution for any mask that goes around your ears. The bandana allows a little bit of extra room to breathe and is not so harsh on your ears. For those of you who like extra design, and extra color, bandana’s are for you! *DISCLAIMER*: Bandanas are no longer allowed.

 Bold Prints

 Bold print masks help people show off their creative side with different shapes and patterns. We have seen masks that have ranged from a single design, like a rose, to an intense design like mine (Phoenix) that has ducks.


Single-Color Masks

Some students prefer to get a very outgoing mask or a coyote mask so they wear single color masks. They also wear a single-colored mask to match their outfits. Some people may also wear single-colored masks to show the emotion they are feeling. For example, yellow, its a common color to be used as showing “happiness” or “joy” like the movie “Inside Out”!

School Pride

Most students are showing school pride by wearing coyote masks. The school is selling coyote masks for $5 a mask that you can buy at the front desk. (The main office). There are many ways to show coyote pride, you could have a hand-made or custom mask made to be themed around “WHS Coyotes” The one that I have (Kyla’s), is a striped orange along with a black background, with a coyote added. It says: “Williston Coyotes”.

Medical Masks

Medical masks are the very generic masks that you can find everywhere. You can buy them in bulk at Walmart, Amazon, Albertsons, etc. The school gives you these masks if you don’t have one. It is also an easy way to spend less money if needed.


Even though we are in code yellow, WHS thanks you all for wearing a mask in school. We appreciate the help and generosity towards trying to bring both A and B Group back together for a 5 day school week! Remember to stay safe, and rock those masks!!

Image result for stay safe and strong during corona virus
We love you WHS Students/Teachers!!