Applying to Colleges


Branden Norpel

Being a senior this year, we knew the day would come when we would have to apply for college. With the help from Mrs. Jeanotte, many of us took that chance to apply. 

During the Free Application week, Mrs. Jeannotte helped the current seniors with applications to our North Dakota Colleges. This was a great chance and still is a great chance for the upcoming seniors to get help during that week to apply to a college in the great state of North Dakota. 


According to WHS career counselor Mrs. Jeannotte, students should “start exploring what kind of career [they] are interested in during freshman and sophomore years (which we will do through Advisory in January using Virtual Job Shadow program), look into colleges or training required for that career during junior year, and apply starting around August or September of senior year.” 

Here is my advice to my younger classmates: get your plan for after school ready by senior year. If you just want to go directly to the workforce that is perfectly fine, but if you want to go to college to study something specific, then I would start deciding what you want to be or do. You can even start applying as early as junior year. Some colleges will accept you even though you are not a senior. If you apply then you’ll be on a close watch list, and it will show them that you’re interested in their school. Make sure you do good in classes. Some schools look at ACT and grades, and some just want to see that you’re a good student. With this information, I wish you luck.