New Classes at WHS

Anna Scallon, Reporter

   From recent classroom discussions, I have found a lot of students, not just at WHS but high school students as a whole, have been complaining about high schools not offering enough options of classes to prepare them for the future. After going through the offered elective list (Wow-there are a lot of options!)  and seeing the new classes this year, I decided to check a few of them out.

   Coyote Store

   This class seems to offer a good basis for any job one might do in the future. It is worth half a credit and is currently offered before school and during 1, 5, and 6 periods. They sell a variety of Coyote apparel and other school-spirited items. When interviewing sophomore Garret Hill, he said he has learned social skills by talking and selling to people he does not know in the student body, and business management skills such as counting the till, writing receipts and running the store. Also, Garret improved his organization skills in keeping the store clean and the products in order. In his opinion, the best deal in the store is the one-dollar water bottles. This class involves no out-of-class work but there is one requirement: an entrepreneurship credit.

Garret Hill working at the Coyote Store during 5th hour.

Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

 “This is a class I really enjoy, I like coming here every day!” said senior Colin Kok. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries is primarily designed for upperclassmen and is offered for dual credit through WSC. It lasts a semester and is designed for hands-on learning. This class includes Friday treatment days where students are able to work with some medical equipment not only on themselves or classmates but they can invite friends or teammates. Senior Molly Gathman who is planning to become a physical therapist says this class has been a good intro to her career choice.

Mr. Rath showing April Kelley and Molly Gathman medical evaluations. Photo credits: Anna Scallon